Some days things just don’t match.  You saw the finished work in your mind. But when you see it in person you wonder what happened?  That is not what you saw in your vision.  It’s all mismatched.  That simply will not do.

You have always been able to coordinate.  You make the necessary adjustments.  You know how to improvise.  You have flair.

But today, right now, something is off.

Aaahhhh, I’ve got it!  The colors are similar but the patterns are not connected.  Something is missing.  Maybe a day off to refresh would be helpful.  Perhaps you need to have that conversation you have been avoiding or finish that never ending project that keeps taunting you.  You may not be able to put your finger on it but one thing is for sure, you need to hit the pause button.

Have you ever seen a room that had so many different colors and patterns that it almost made you dizzy?  Now picture a room that has a lot of different colors and patterns but somehow it works.  What’s the difference?  The solid colors!

What is stable?  What are you sure of?  You can mix a lot of different things at the same time but something has to be solid.  You can’t be tired, overworked, unhappy, financially stressed, lonely, sick, and/or mourning all at the same time.

You need BALANCE.

Unpack those burdens one by one.  Rebuild.

Start with the solids then add a few plaids and stripes to accent not dominate.


Look again.  Now that’s better.  After all, You are the Designer Extraordinaire.

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