
A global capital of fashion and design is how Milan is described. Need I say more? It is known for its restaurants, shopping and tons of historical sites. Sounds like a dream vacation to me! Have you visited Milan? I would love to hear your suggestions of things to do, places to see, best restaurants, and any other tidbits.


Taking a hot air balloon across the Serengeti during the migration of the wildebeest has been on my “to do” list every since I saw the documentary, Africa, the Serengeti. I love Africa but this is one thing I have not done… yet. Have you visited the Serengeti? I would love to hear your suggestions of things to do, places to see, best restaurants and any other tidbits.


Greece is often referred to as the cradle of Western civilization.  Athens, its capital, retains landmarks including the 5th century B.C. Acropolis citadel with the Parthenon temple.  This land is filed with Bible history!! I’d like to see the black sands of Santorini too. Have you visited Greece?  I would love to hear your suggestions of things to do, places to see, best restaurants, and any other tidbits.  


It’s in Italy and that’s enough for me. Add the intrigue of a city with no roads, just canals and I’m in. With over 100 small islands to explore it is sure to keep my days occupied. History, shopping and good food… can’t wait to visit. Have you visited Venice? I would love to hear your suggestions of things to do, places to see, best restaurants and any other tidbits.